Helpful Information For Cub Scouts
This page is intended for Cub Scouts, especially Webelos planning to bridge over to a Boy Scout Troop. Here's a few links of helpfull information that our troop hands out at Cub Field Day:
- Advice for Webelos and Parents -explains the steps one should take when selecting a Boy Scout Troop to bridge over to, and the differences between Cub and Boy Scouts. (Adobe Acrobat format)
- Equipment Every Scout Should Have -is full of pictures of various equipment scouts should consider getting. It includes various choices and includes some tips. (Adobe Acrobat format)
Below is a text-only version of our "Equipment" list above. This equipment list is intended as suggested choices to help parents choose equipment for a new scout.
- Tent
- One-man dome
- Bivy (a small light one man tent)
- Free standing A frame (troop type tent)
- Backpack
- External frame back ( what most people have)
- Internal frame pack
- Military Alice Pack ( also external frame)
- Stove
- Wool Socks
- Hiking boots
- Sleeping Bag
- Foam Pad -for cushion under the sleeping bag
- Canteen
- Mess Kit
- Flashlight
- Chair
Places where you can get camping equipment:
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