Boy Scout Troop 601 Philosophy

If you are a Webelos Cub Scout, or the parent of a Webelos Cub Scout, who is looking for a Boy Scout Troop to bridge over to, then you should find the following text vauable to your evaluation of Boy Scout Troop 601.  It was written by our Scoutmaster, Bill Love, to answer the question, "what's so special about Troop 601."   Scoutmaster Bill Love has been involved in scouting for 55 years (as a scout and adult leader combined).  He has been Scoutmaster of Troop 601 for 24 years, during which 38 boys have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

You should also know, that Boy Scouts is not limited to those who have completed Cub Scouts.  Boys 12 years old and higher may also join - even if they have never attended or completed Cub Scouts.

  1. Scouting should be fun.

  2. Learning new skills is important, but scouting shouldn't be just an continuation of school.

  3. Advancement should be a by product of having fun and learning new skills. If a scout participates, he will get advancement requirements completed as a natural part of the scouting program.

  4. The outdoor program is a very major part of Scouting. It's were a scout learns self reliance and gets to practice the skills he's learned.

  5. If a scout doesn't participate in camping and other trips he is missing a very important part of the program.

  6. Parental participation and interest is critical. It not only gives you a chance to do things with your son, it shows him that you think scouting and him are important.

  7. A boy learns by doing things for himself and making mistakes. If you, the parent, always do everything for him and doesn't let him grow and learn by trying new things and sometimes failing. You are doing him a disservice.

  8. We encourage parents to attend meeting and go on trips. Scouting activities aren't secret. Your child is you most precious possession. Being involved will allow you to get to know and be confident with the troops leadership. Parents are welcome on all trips but please come as a troop leader not Mom or Dad.

  9. Scouting like everything else costs money. We try to keep costs down, quality outing are costly, especially when we consider the high cost of fuel.

  10. We believe in keeping fund rising to a minimum. We have one big fundraiser(our spaghetti dinner / Chinese auction) and one small one ( candy sale), per year. Initiation fee and yearly dues are $60 per year. We are told it's reasonable compared to other troops.

  11. We try to subsidize high cost trips and drivers are reimbursed for their gas a toll expenses.

  12. It is a long standing troop policy that no Boy should miss out on a scouting activity, because of a temporary family financial problems. If you are having such a problem talk to the scoutmaster. We will do whatever is necessary to see that none of our scouts is denied the opportunity to enjoy the scouting experience.

  13. Equipment and uniforms are expensive. We try to get out grown uniforms and boots donated, so they can be made available to smaller scouts. We do not strictly require official Boy Scout equipment. Olive drab trousers and kaki colored shirts, with scout insignia are acceptable. We try to offer suggestions for lower cost camping equipment, military surplus and other sources.

  14. We try to have a variety of different activities. Activities, which challenge a boy and expose him to new things. We have a rifle-shooting trip, supervised by our own NRA certified instructors. Repelling taught by a former Green Beret. High adventure winter camping, at a Scout camp in New Hampshire. A yearly trip to a historic location, Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia. We are often able to take advantage of low cost accommodations and meal by staying on US Military bases.

  15. We are proud to have a goodly number of our scouts achieve Scouting highest Rank Eagle Scout, but believe a scout can have a valuable scouting experience without ever making Eagle Scout.

  16. FINALLY, scouting should be fun.

If you are interested in joining our Troop, or would like more information, you can contact us via email at: For more information on the general topic of preparing your Cub for Boy Scouts, be sure to read our aritcle on Helpful Information For Cub Scouts. This guide contains useful information no matter which Boy Scout Troop you join.