Courtesy of: Bill Love, Scoutmaster of Troop 601
- Get to know your new troop
- Cross over in early spring
- New scout and if possible parents should attend as many trips and meetings
as possible.
- Get to know the troops Adult and Jr. Leaders. This allows you to see and
understand how the troop runs.
- This will hopefully give you confidence in the quality of people and of the
supervision on trips and at meetings.
- Ask questions. If youre not sure about how something works, ask and find
the truth rather then worrying and not knowing.
- Differences between Scouting and Cub Scouting
- Cub Scouting
- Designed for younger boys.
- Requires direct parental involvement.
- Parent and child participate in activities together.
- Parents must attend outdoor activities such as camping.
- Activities and meetings run by adults.
- Boy Scouting
- Designed for boys 11 thru 17 yrs of age.
- Scouts are more mature than Cubs and do not require as close supervision
and control.
- Troop run by boy leaders with adult supervision and help.
- Supervision and help dependent on age, experience and maturity of boy
- Scouts work on activities in patrols or with Scout buddy, not parent or adult
- Scouting program is intended to work with the natural maturing process.
- More doing things by himself or with his friends.
- Parents participation is welcome but not required for a boy to attend a
troop outdoor activity or meeting.
- Scouts learn to do things for themselves.
- Learn by doing and from their mistakes
- Parent and leaders should offer suggestions and help, not take over and
do the thing instead of the Scout.
- Adult leadership supervises and makes sure things are done safely.