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Summer Camp Gear List

Sleeping Bag  
Something to sleep in NOT the same clothes you wore all day
Pillow Upon which to west your wittle head.
Cardboard box or newspapers Enough to cover the cot, to provide more support while laying down
Hygiene: Cause no one likes a stinky scout
Soap Yes, you have to wash while at camp
Shampoo No, swimming in the lake IS NOT the same as washing
Toothbrush Yes, you have to brush your teeth
Toothpaste Otherwise, please stand downwind when talking to others
2 Large Towels So you always one that's dry
What to Wear:  
Underwear - enough for a week "Enough for the week" better be more than two pair!
Class "B" T-Shirt The shirt you will wear most of the week. Have more than one.
Short Sleeve Shirts You will wear your class "B" shirt most of the time, but a few extra shirts won't hurt
Socks Should be the same number as underwear
Extras You should have at least one full set of extra clothes (shirts, socks, underwear and shorts)
Long Pants In case it gets chilly. We are in the mountains after all.
Long Sleeve Shirt See above
Sweater Ditto
Medication Please be sure to speak with Mr. Love regarding any medications.
First Aid Kit For the boo-boos you will get
Flashlight Unless you have the eyes of cat
Extra Batteries You'd hate to get stuck in the dark w/ no batteries
Compass We may do some orienteering up at camp
Money No more than $40, and best left with the Scoutmaster for safekeeping.
Zipper bags Necessary for keeping stuff dry.
Scout Handbook  
Notebook For taking notes and writing out assignments for MB's.
Pens and Pencils For taking notes and writing out assignments for MB's.
Poncho In case it rains
Bug Repellant Pump or cream, please. Aerosols destroy the tents and are often used as torches.
Playing Cards  
Reading Material  
Paper Towels  
Toilet Paper Bringing your own is much better than using the stuff you'll find in the latrines.
Nylon Cord Clotheslines, guylines, etc.
Daypack To carry stuff for classes, plus raingear, cup, and canteen.
Watch Not one you can't lose, you just need to know when to go to class.

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