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Lucky for the Scouts in Troop 601, many of our leaders and parents are also Merit Badge counselors. Below is only a partial list of the badges you can earn. All you need to do is contact any of the adults listed below and let them know you are interested in earning one of their merit badges. Of course, you also have to do the work...

Auto Mechanics Mr. Mulqueen

Aviation Mr. Goldberg
Camping Mr. Love
Citizenship in the Community Mr. Sharpe
Mr. Mulqueen
Citizenship in the Nation Mr. Hall
Citizenship in the World Mr. Sharpe
Communication Mr. Sharpe
Computers Mr. Montenero
Dentistry Mrs. Goldberg
Family Life Mr. Schneider
First Aid Ms. Jones
Hiking Mr. Love
Medicine Mrs. Goldberg
Personal Fitness Mrs. Carlucci
Personal Managment Mr. Schneider
Salesmanship Mr. Montenero
Scholarship Mrs. Goldberg
Stamp Collecting Mrs. Goldberg
Traffic Safety Mrs. Goldberg
Wilderness Survival Mr. Love

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