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Recent News

  10/31/2010 Centential Jamboree
The Centennial Jamboree appears to have been a success.The weather was clear , but cool and windy. No one froze to death, but it definitely felt cold enough at times.
  4/26/2010 Appalachian Trail Hike
Well, we all came home from hiking the Appalachian Trail. A little wet, but we made it. Saturday was a great day! Hiked about 1.5 miles to a fantastic site along the Husatonic River. Made camp and the Scouts proceeded to explore along the river. There was some time to relax, some more time to hike and even some time for hacky-sack and Ulitmate Hacky-Sack.

Sunday we woke to rain. Not pouring rain but enough that we decided to leave earlier than originally planned. So, while the trip was cut a little short it was still a good time. Or at least it was for me.
  10/22/2009 Chatham Trip Canceled
After much thought and monitoring of the present upcoming weather condition, I feel we have no choice , but to cancel this trip. I had originally hoped the weather front might move south and miss upper New York State, but that does not appear to be the case. Instead it appears to be consolidating and will dump between 1 and 2 inches of rain Saturday. Keeping one of my prime scouting philosophies in mind "Scouting should be fun" and this trip would not met that aim. We will discuss a few possible options for rescheduling this trip at Tuesdays meeting.
  10/7/2009 Den Chief Training
As we spoke about last night, anyone interested in being a Den Chief can take the training course online at the BSA site. You need to register at the site for the training course to be tracked to you. Once you register you can find all the online courses here. The course you are looking for is called "Welcome to Den Chief Training". Happy training!
  9/29/2009 West Hills Bike Trip
This years bike trip was lots of fun for the boys and similar to previous years as it rained Sunday so we had to go home by car, not bicycle. However, the weekend was not a washout. The ride to the park was pleasant. Once at camp the boys played some wiffle ball and then went on a GeoCache adventure. There was more wiffle ball back at the campsite and then the gang worked on building the evenings campfire.

Dinner was the usual hotdogs and hamburgers, cooked to perfection by our very own Scoutmaster. After dinner, it was game time around the campfire. I think it's safe to say that our buys can use a little extra help on states in the USA and countries of the world.

  7/27/2009 Summer Camp 2009
I thought it would be good to let everyone know a little about how Summer Camp went this year.

By now I'm sure your all heard about the 4.1 inches of rain we got on Wednesday but, we faced other challenges as well. On Wednesday, and I'm sure more significant than the rain we had, was the fact that the Smiley's Ice Cream Store in nearby Tannersville was closed. Closed for good and for sale. But, the boys did a great job and as of Wednesday they were entitled to ice cream. So, our fall back position was home made, (or at least camp site made), Ice Cream Sunday's. Four half gallons of Stewart's Ice Cream, colored sprinkles, chocolate syrup and whipped cream did a pretty good job of taking the edge off every one's ice cream appetite.

The rest of the week went pretty good too and our boys did a good job working on advancement.

Our two youngest scouts, Adam and Tevin both attended a first year camper course for a Second Class Advancement Program and knocked off 15 of the 19 requirements for Second Class Scout. At the same time they completely finished their first merit badge and are more than half way towards getting their second merit badge. Both of these merit badges are on the required badge list. Good job Tevin and Adam.

Sal Nunziata in his first year at summer camp also did excellent work. He participated in a first year camper First Class Advancement Program and completed 15 of 20 requirements for First Class Scout. He also completed two merit badges and is more than halfway towards his third merit badge. All three were required merit badges. Keep up the good work Sal.

Another first year camper Ben Weinberg finished 4 merit badges including two required badges.

The rest of the boys did great work also and everyone came home with something. Some of the merit badges this year included Cycling, Fishing, Citizenship in the World, Camping, Leatherwork, Space, Climbing, First Aid, Emergency Preparation, Environmental Science, Mammal Study, Geology, Rifle, Astronomy and a couple more which I've forgotten. Good work by all.

Matt Flaster and Robert Shattuck both finished the C.O.P.E. course. That's an acronym for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience. It's every more for about three hours and starts out at ground level and by the end of the week the participants are working very high up.

The leaders of Troop 601 all agree that this year was another successful Summer Camp. The boys worked together and helped one another. They worked hard and they had fun.

  7/19/2009 Radio Controlled Airplanes
A group of scouts met at Cedar Creek Park to learn how to fly RC planes today. Was lots of fun. Thanks to the Meroke Radio Control Airplane Club of Long Island for teaching us.
  7/12/2009 Riverhead Raceway 2009
Outing to Riverhead was lots of fun. Mr. Mulqueen didn't win his races but he put on one heck of a good showing. Surprisingly for Troop 601, we were able to finish the night before it started raining. I think it's safe to say that we all look forward to going again next time.
  7/2/2009 Congratulations to Bobby Shah and Andrew Montchal
Troop 601 is happy to announce that Bobby Shah and Andrew Montchal have successfully completed their respective Eagle Scout Boards of Review. What does this mean? Bobby and Andrew are now Eagle Scouts. Congratulations to both boys (and their families) on their achievement!
  6/14/2009 Great Adventure Trip
Well, we're back from Great Adventure. It was a little wet but fun nonetheless. The scouts seemed to have as much fun fishing at the camp as they did riding the rides at Six Flags. Dinner Sat. night was a gourmet meal fit for a king. Then we were visited by another troop Sunday morning for breakfast. They weren't very talkative and only pecked at some food. Be sure to check out the photos.
  5/13/2009 Aviation Merit Badge
Troop 601 spent time on Saturday May 9th at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, NY completing requirements for the Aviation Merit Badge. While at the airport, we had a tour of Fire/Rescue Operations and the Control Tower. Afterward, the Scouts all ran a pre-flight of Mr. Goldberg's single engine airplane. While at the airport, we were approached by and had our pictures taken for the Republic Airport Historical Society (we're pictures 32 and 33 on the Current Events page). Lastly, you can see some pictures of the day here.

Troop Meetings

  4/26/2011 Meeting 4/26
Remember tonight's meeting will be Personal Fitness MB . Uniform will be Class "B". Also it is the last chance to pay your money for the discounted Summer Camp fee rate. After tonight it goes up $100.
  4/7/2011 Meeting activity for 4/12
At this meeting we will be working on two activities
1. Older scouts will be completing needed paperwork for physical Fitness M/B
2. Younger scout will bring in their backpack fully packed for the Appalachian Trail trip. We will check to see if all necessary equipment is packed and everything is securely attached.
  1/25/2011 Wood carving
Our Jan.25th meeting will be woodcarving, we have invited Weblos to this meeting and will be teaching knife safety and wood carving. It is suggested all scout bring their pocket knives.
  1/18/2011 Meeting January 18th
We will be working on advancement at the 1/18 meeting
  1/10/2011 Cub Open House
On Tuesday, Jan.11th we will be having our annual Cub Scout open House. Try to be on time, if not early. We want to get in and set up as close to 8:15 as possible. Remember to make our guests feel welcome and remember real men don't fear snow.
  12/5/2010 Meeting 12/7/2010
Tonight's meeting will be used to cover a variety of subjects. We will be working on advancement and Board of reviews for anyone needing them. We will go over the final details for the upcomming 12/11 scavenger hunt at the American Museum of Natural History and also will be discussing what we plan to do for our open house on January 11th.
  11/25/2010 Troop meeting 11/30/2010
This week we will be doing our annual cub scout Readyman presentation. We need as many people to attend as possible and make the cubs feel welcome. Don't hang out in your own little groups. Talk to the cubs and encourage them to join Troop 601. New recruits are critical to keep the troop alive and active.
  11/21/2010 Meeting 11/23
This week we are going to work on advancement. We will also be having board of reviews. Remember to bring your handbooks
  11/16/2010 Meeting 11/16
Tonight's activity is finger printing Merit Badge. No one has this badge, so remember to bring your fingers.
  11/9/2010 Meeting 11/09/10, Firearms Safety
At tonight's meeting we will be again going over firearms safety, in preparation for our November 13,14 shooting trip. I know we did it last year, but reminding people about safe handling of firearms and range safety is critical to having a safe and fun trip.
  9/22/2010 Court of Honor and Barbeque
This weeks meeting Tuesday, Sept 28th, will be a Barbecue and Court of Honor. It will be held at the Pavilion / fire ring at West Hills County Park. Parking lot is on High Hold Dr. off Round Swamp Rd.. Meeting time is 6pm and uniform is Class "B".
  9/15/2010 Meeting activity September 21st
This weeks activity will be advancement. It's a great opportunity to get that last requirement, a scoutmasters conference or board of review before our upcoming court of honor.

Troop merit badge counselor please try it attend and work on completing the merit badges we have already started.
  9/14/2010 First meeting
Our first meeting of the new season will be Tuesday Sept 14th, Meeting time is 8:15 and the topic will be Planning meeting. Everyone Scouts, Parents and Leaders are encouraged to attend. This is where we will plan and pick dates for this years activities and trips. Parent,please let us know if a proposed past trip was or wasn't a success. When a trip is suggested, please tell us whether your son would be interested in going on a particular trip
  6/8/2010 Meeting activity June 8th
Our meeting activity for the June 8th meeting is fun. We are having sort of a sports night, basketball, Chess and any other fun activity you want to do. Uniform will be "CLASS B".
  5/25/2010 Meeting activity
We will be working on advancement at tonight's meeting , remember your handbooks.
  5/16/2010 Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Come to celebrate this crowning achievement of our recent Eagle badge recipients. More details as they become available.
  5/4/2010 Court of Honor
Our May 4th meeting will be a Court of Honor, families are invited and encouraged to attend.The meeting will start at the usual time, 8:15 pm. In keeping with Boy Scout policy, we try insure that the scouts receive their awards in a timely fashion, so Courts of Honor are held at varied times during the year.
  4/27/2010 Hike Review
Tonight we will review the hike and camping trip from this past weekend. There were some things done this weekend that could have been done better. We'd like to go over them while things may still be fresh in people's minds so that the next hike/camping journey will be even better. Ian, Zack and Michael, please remember to bring your packs and gear from this past weekend. You do not need to bring a fully packed pack. Just the pack, sleeping bag and tent if you brought one.

Speaking of tents. If you have a troop tent, please return it tonight IF IT IS DRY. Since it has been raining since Sunday, I am sure no one has had the opportunity to air out the tents and dry them. If your troop tent is still wet, please dry it out over this week and bring to next week's meeting.

Lastly, please remember to bring your money for Summer Camp tonight, if you want to take advantage of the discounted pricing.
  4/20/2010 Hiking/Camping Review
The topic of this meeting will be inspection of packs for the upcoming trip. Every, yes every, scout who plans to go on the 4/24-25 trip is required to bring his fully packed pack to the meeting. We will have experienced hikers inspect each pack and suggest things that should be left home and things that you may have forgotten. Troop tents will be issued to those who need a tent and you will be shown how to attach your sleeping bag and other things which won't fit inside your pack. Bring your food, which should be non refridgeratable, we will not be carrying coolers.
  4/13/2010 TGI Fridays Fund Raiser
This weeks meeting will be dinner at TGI Fridays. Remember to invite your family and friends. For each $20 spent this night, Fridays will donate $5 to the troop.
  2/23/2010 Salesmanship
Tonight we're going to go over how to sell. This will come in handy for two reasons. One, scouts will learn how to present themselves to local merchants as they canvas for donations for the Spaghetti dinner and two, it a requirement for the Salesmanship merit badge. Cool, huh? That's two, two, two topics in one!
  2/9/2010 Stamp Collecting Merit Badge
Guys, remember to bring any stamps that you have collected over the past two weeks and the stamp that you designed to tonight's meeting. We will work on the Stamp Collecting merit badge tonight.
  1/12/2010 Wood Carving
Tonight is our annual Wood Carving meeting with the Cub Scouts. Please come prepared to with your knife and ideas for your neckerchief slide. For more information, please see the Wood Carving activity page.
  1/5/2010 New Years Party
Since our 2009 end-of-year Holiday party didn't go as planned, let's kick off 2010 in style with a New Year's Party instead. Please bring a dessert/snack to be shared by all. Parents and families are welcome to attend. See you there. Noisemakers are optional.
  12/29/2009 No Meeting this Week
Farmingdale schools are closed for Holiday break so Troop 601 will not have a meeting this week. See you all in 2010.
  12/22/2009 Holiday Par-tay!!!
Tonight's our annual Holiday Party. Please bring a dessert with you to share with others. Drinks and other refreshments will be provided by the troop. We look forward to seeing parents as well. Have a happy and safe holiday season.
  12/15/2009 Open House
Tonight is our Open House. We hope to have some Webloes who are looking for a troop to join attending. We need to show them why 601 is the troop to join.
  12/8/2009 Open House Prep
At this meeting we will prepare for our Open House next week. We will assigning tasks to scouts and parents and reviewing what we will demonstrating. Please come with ideas.
  11/11/2009 11/17/09 - Prep for ReadyMan
This weeks meeting will be getting ready for next week's ReadyMan presentation to Cubs and Webloes.
  10/27/2009 Halloween Party
Tonight's meeting is a Halloween Costume party. Come in your favorite costume. Dressing as a Boy Scout is not coming in costume! ;-)
  10/20/2009 Gun Safety
In preparation for our Chatham trip this weekend, tonight we will review gun safety. This is very important. If you plan on going on the Chatham trip, even if you will not be shooting, you MUST attend this meeting.
  10/13/2009 Court of Honor
Tonight's meeting will be a Court of Honor. All parents are welcome to attend and be a part of the ceremony. Come celebrate our boys achievements.
  10/6/2009 Map Reading
Tonight we will be going over map reading in preparation for our orienteering outing on Sunday 10/11. Please bring your compasses if you have any.
  9/29/2009 ADVANCEMENT
  9/22/2009 How We Communicate
This meeting we will discuss how the troop will communicate with parents and scouts. Topics covered will be troop meetings and announcements, the troop website, Facebook, Twitter and other methods to "get the word out".
  9/15/2009 Planning Meeting
Yearly planning meeting. Troop leaders will present our ideas for this years activities. If anyone else has any thoughts for trips, outings, etc. please bring them with you. Parent attendance is requested.
  6/9/2009 Last Meeting - BBQ and Court of Honor
We will be holding our final meeting and Court of Honor at Marjorie Post Park in Massapequa on June 9th. We have reserved the Gazebo area, on the south side of the park. Everyone will need to bring lawn chairs. Starting time is 6PM. Hot Dogs and Hambergers will be served. We will need a head count at the June 2nd meeting so necessary food supplies can be purchased. Uniform of the Day is class "B" ( troop tee shirts and green short or pants).
  6/2/2009 Troop Meeting
This week we will have a visit from St. Luke's Assistant Pastor, Pastor Bonadonna. Besides being the Assistant Pastor, he is a Captain in the US Navy and a Marine Corps Chaplain. He has recently returned from a year long deployment in East Africa and will be telling us about his experiences and the job our service people are doing in that region.


  2/16/2011 Boston trip
The Boston trip is on again. We will be leaving from St. Luke's on Saturday,2/19, at 6:30 Am , yes an ungodly hour. All scouts will wear fully class A uniform and hiking boots, while touring . The weather is stated to be about 32 degrees and windy, so it is also suggested a warm hat and gloves would be a good idea. It is also suggested that scouts bring extra clothing, especially if they intend to play in the snow, while at camp. Back packs are not needed, but sleeping bags, cup, fork , spoon . and knife will be required. We will be returning home Monday, 2/21, around 7pm.
  1/10/2011 Camp Tri-mount trip
We have again reserved Memorial Cabin (Admin Building) for our January trip, Jan. 29 and 30th. Think sledding, snow showing and other winter fun. We will leave Farmingdale on Saturday 1/29 about 7am and return about 3pm Sunday 1/30. Cost should be $30, which will include meals and transportation.
  11/9/2010 Chatham Shooting trip
We will be having our annual Chatham shooting trip this weekend Nov13 &14 . We will be leaving from St Luke's at 6:30 am Saturday 11/13 and returning home about 4pm Sunday 11/14. We will be doing patrol cooking, so how much food cost will depend on what your patrol eats. There will be the usual $10 transportation fee. If you plan to shoot anything other than .22 rifle there will be an additional $5 ammunition fee. Full camping gear will be required and I suggest you dress warmly since the temperature in Chatham will be about 10 degrees cooler than in Farmingdale.
  10/22/2010 Centennial Jamboree
Centennial Jamboree, at Eisenhower Park , East Meadow. October 29, 30 &31. We will be leaving from St Luke's at 4pm on Friday 10/29 and getting home about Noon on Sunday 10/31. We are doing this trip just like we would a back Packing trip. All gear will be carried in. Everyone should have everything packed in a backpack. Individuals will be responsible for their own meals. Bring meals that can be prepared on a backpacking stove, don't require refrigeration and are easy to clean up. Since we are not sure how much space we will be allotted patrol leaders should plan ahead and decide who will be sharing a tent with whom.
  9/25/2010 West Hills Bike trip
We are again having our annual bike trip to West Hills County Park. This is also a recruiting activity,where we invite Cub Scouts to ride up and camp with us. It is important that we have a good showing on this trip, so the cubs get to meet our members and find what a great troop 601 is.
  6/23/2010 Summer Camp
Remember summer camp dates this year are Sunday, July 25th to Saturday, July 31st. We will be leaving from The parking lot on the west side of the bank next to St. Luke's at about 9am on Sunday July 25th. Parents are expected to pick up their sons at Camp Trimount no later than 9am Saturday July 31st. All medical forms are due at Mr. Sharps house by July 1st. If you have a problem with the date ( can't get a doctor appointment before the 1st) call Mr. Sharp and let him know problem and when you will have completed medical form.
  6/18/2010 Rafting Trip
June's trip will be a white water rafting trip on the headwaters of the Hudson River. Cost will be $50. We will leave Friday, June 18th at 6:30PM and return Sunday, June 20th. We will be camping at Chatham Friday and Saturday night and Rafting on Saturday. Cost will include rafting, transportation and food. Remember camping equipment and clothing and shoes to wear on river. You will need to bring dry clothing to change into after we finish rafting.
  5/22/2010 Chatham Camping
We will be going to Chatham this weekend for an overnighter and shooting. More details will be provided as they become available.
  5/5/2010 Tech Honor Society Color Guard
We will be providing a Color Guard for the Tech Honor Society. More details will be provided at the Court of Honor 5/4/10.
  4/24/2010 Appalachian Trail Hike
We'll be hiking along the Appalachian Trail this weekend.

Location: Section of Appalachian trail, N/E of Wingdale ,NY
Leave: St Lukes , Saturday April 24, 7am (pulling out at 7AM)
Return: Sunday, April 25, Scouts will be dropped off at their residences between 2 & 3 pm ( NYC traffic cooperating)
Cost: $10 transportation, Food $0 ( everyone supplies own food), we will stop at Mc Donalds for breakfast ($???)
Hike Distance: App. 1.5 miles
Equipment Needed: See site list
Food: Lunch Saturday, Dinner Saturday, Breakfast Sunday, Trail lunch Sunday ( see site menu for suggestions)
  2/13/2010 Washington D.C. Trip
We will be leaving from St. Luke's approximately 8am on Saturday, 2/13 and proceeding by car to the US Marine Corps base at Quantico, Va.. We plan to visit the Marine Corps museum at Quantico on Saturday. We will be staying at the Crossroads Inn, on base and eating Saturday dinner in the Mess Hall

Sunday, we plan to take the Metro into Washington. Presently, we plan to first proceed to Dulles Airport and see the new Smithsonian Air and space Museum. Then back on the train and into Washington, where we will visit the Spy Museum and maybe other parts of the Smithsonian. After Dinner, we will check out the National Mall and monuments and take the train back to were we parked the cars and return to the base.

Monday, We will leave Quantico and proceed north stopping at the NRA Museum, in Virginia and arrive home, hopefully before dinnertime.

Cost: $50 per head was decided upon. Each individual will be responsible for his own lunch at the rest stops both coming and going and dinner Sunday. On Sunday, we plan to eat at a Mc Donalds in Washington DC. All other costs (hotel, travel, dinners) will be included in the $50 trip fee.
  1/3/2010 USS Intrepid
We will be taking a day trip into New York City to visit the USS Intrepid, an aircraft carried that was converted into a museum moored on the West Side.
Time to be determined at the meeting on Tuesday night.

The total cost includes transportation and admission to the museum.

Details for the Intrepid trip are as follows

Date: Sunday January 3rd
Time: 9:50 AM ( Don't be late, the train leaves at 10:00 AM)
Location: Meet at Farmingdale Train Station
Uniform: Full Class "A" Uniform

The Intrepid does have a gift shop so please feel free to bring spending money if you would like to buy something. Also the weather is supposed to be very cold so dress warmly. We have a 12 noon reservation and are shooting to get on the 4:16 train to return home. We should be back at Farmingdale Train Station between 5 and 5:30.

Adults: $25.00
Children 18 and under: $20.00

Money is due ASAP
  11/11/2009 Chatham Trip Redux
We will be making our annual trip to Chatham this weekend.

* We will leave St. Luke's about 6:30AM Saturday morning, 11/14 and return by 3PM Sunday afternoon, 11/15. Allow me to stress that, WE WILL LEAVE AT 6:30AM. This is allow the Scouts as much time up at Chatham as possible.
* The cost of the trip is $35 ($10 food, $25 transportation, $5 ammunition). If you already paid for the previous weekend that was cancelled, you do not need to pay again. If you have not yet paid, please bring money on Saturday.
* Cooking for this trip will be by patrol.

Add'l info will be posted as it becomes available.
  10/23/2009 Chatham Trip
Sorry, but we have canceled the trip for this weekend.
We will be making our annual trip to Chatham this weekend.
  • We will leave St. Luke's about 4PM Friday night and return by 3PM Sunday afternoon.
  • The cost of the trip is $35 ($10 food, $25 transportation, $5 ammunition).
  • Cooking for this trip will be by patrol.
Add'l info will be posted as it becomes available.
  9/29/2009 Orienteering w/ Cubs
Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009. We will be participating in the Long Island Orienteering Clubs program that day at Caumsett Park. We are inviting Cub Scouts to come along with us. More info as it becomes available.
  9/8/2009 West Hills Bike Trip
We are currently planning the West Hills Bike Trip for the weekend of Sept 26th/27th. More details will be provided at the 9/15 troop meeting.
  8/14/2009 Support for Fallen Soldier
Lance Cpl. James D. Argentine was a Farmingdale resident and a Marine fighting for our freedom in Iraq. He was killed in action one month from the end of his tour of duty. His funeral is Saturday morning at 10AM at St. Killian's Church.

There is a call to ALL Boy Scout troops in the area to form a line along Conklin St. extending from St. Kilian's toward Route 110 to salute this soldier as the funeral processes from the church to the cemetary. There is a little confusion as to the time line up and exactly where to meet, but I want to get this first email out requesting that all scouts and leaders be in attendance. We will meet at Jack Hall's house Saturday at 10:00AM to prepare to lineup along Conklin St to pay our respects to Lance Cpl. James D. Argentine. Please be at 29 Cedar Ave at 10AM. It will probably cost you an hour or two out of your day to honor a soldier who gave his life for us.

YOU MUST WEAR FULL CLASS A UNIFORMS!!! That means hat, neckerchiefs, shirts, pants and boots. If you lost your hat, let me know and I will arrange to get them from for you to purchase for $5 each.
  7/26/2009 Summer Camp
Once again, we look forward to a fun and work-filled week up at camp TriMount. We will leave St. Luke's at 9AM Sunday 7/26 and return by mid-afternoon Saturday, 8/1.

This year, we are looking at having a day trip to Adirondack Extreme in Bolton Landing, NY. If you are interested in going, please contact Mr. Lafferty as soon as possible.

  7/11/2009 Riverhead Raceway 2009
We are planning a trip to Riverhead Raceway to watch Mr. Mulqueen race and compete in a demolition derby.


Adults $20.00
Scouts 6-12 in uniform $2.50
Kids $5.00
Scouts above 13 in uniform $11.50

I need to send check in by July 1st so please contact Ms. Jones at 516-420-0831 if you are interested in going. Money can be mailed or dropped of at Ms. Jones' home (11 Matthew St). We need at least 20 people for the special pricing listed above.

  6/13/2009 Great Adventure Trip

  • MEET AT ST. LUKES: 6:00AM, Saturday, 6/13. We will get the the campsite, setup and go the Six Flags just before it opens.
  • PRICE: $55, bring to St. Luke's on Saturday
  • MONEY: We will stop for breakfast on the way Sat morning, and lunch on the way home Sun. If you want money for the park and/or campground store, bring it.
  • MEALS: The troop is providing Lunch at the park (sandwiches in the parking lot); then Dinner at the campsite Saturday night; and Breakfast at the campsite Sunday morning.
  • DEPART: We will leave the capgrounds at Noon on Sunday. I expect all will be dropped off at their homes around 3-4PM the latest (traffic permitting).
  • WHAT TO PACK: Tent, sleeping bag, duffle bag (we may be pressed for space so backpacks are not necessary!), other typical necessities.
  • CLASS B SHIRTS: TO make it easier for the leaders to spot you, I prefer that you wear a class B shirt in the park.

For those who have never been to this trip, the campground has a store that sells ice cream, snacks, hot pockets (etc.), some camp items, and toys. They have video games, miniature golf and paddle boats for you to rent. They also usually have some event Saturday night (talent shows, musical performers, dance contests.

At Six Flags, scouts are allowed to move around on their own but MUST stay in groups of at least two. Anyone caught traveling alone will be brought to Mr. Montenero and must stay with him the rest of the day. I (Mr. Montenero) will hang out near the bumper cars the majority of the day, so if you need me you will know where to find me. Besides, I am the East Coast bumper car champion and welcome/encourage all challengers. Go ahead, dare to challenge me! As an added precaution, put my cell number in your phone: 516-523-0373.

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