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Welcome to the Troop 601 website. We are located in Farmingdale , NY and are sponsord by St Luke's Lutheran Church. We meet in the Church's Fellowship Hall, behind the Church on Conklin St. in Farmingdale. Our meetings are on Tuesday at 8:15PM. We do not meet on nights that the Farmingdale School District does not have school. Our goal is to provide our scout with the best Scouting experience possible. We have a varied program of fun and educational activities, both at our weekly meeting and monthly camping trips. Our activities at meeting and afield are constantly changing to provide our scouts the opportunity to participate in diverse, interesting and challenging experiences.

Recent News:
10/31/2010 Centential Jamboree
The Centennial Jamboree appears to have been a success.The weather was clear , but cool and windy. N...more
4/26/2010 Appalachian Trail Hike
Well, we all came home from hiking the Appalachian Trail. A little wet, but we made it. Saturday w...more

Upcoming Meetings:
4/26/2011 Meeting 4/26
Remember tonight's meeting will be Personal Fitness MB . Uniform will be Class "B". Al...more
4/7/2011 Meeting activity for 4/12
At this meeting we will be working on two activities
1. Older scouts will be completing needed pa...more

Upcoming Activities:
2/16/2011 Boston trip
The Boston trip is on again. We will be leaving from St. Luke's on Saturday,2/19, at 6:30 Am , y...more
1/10/2011 Camp Tri-mount trip
We have again reserved Memorial Cabin (Admin Building) for our January trip, Jan. 29 and 30th. Think...more

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