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Throughout it's history, Troop 601 has helped numerous boys achieve that highest of Scouting honors, Eagle Scout. Please share with us and pay a little tribute to the list of boys and men below who worked so hard to reach that rank.

Troop 601 Eagle Scouts

Andrew Montchal 2009 Sean Pokress 1998
Bobby Shah 2009
Dan Mulqueen 2006
Scott Bergersen 2006
Pat Alliksen 2006
Dan Rosen 2005
Mike Pascaretti 2005
Chris Liotta 2004
Dan Cody 2004
Nick Carlucci 2004
John Hall III 2000
Carl Schneider 1998

And while we are talking about Eagle Scouts, the boys and men above have some pretty famous company, as well. Here are some men you may not have known are also Eagle Scouts:

  • Neil Armstrong - Astronaut and first person to step foot on the moon
  • Michael Bloomberg - Billionaire and mayor of New York City
  • Gerald Ford - 38th President of the United States
  • Harry Knowles - Founder of website "Ain't it Cool News"
  • Michael Moore - Film producer and director
  • Ozzie Nelson - Ask mom or dad who this was...
  • Ross Perot - Billionaire and one-time presidential candidate
  • Mike Rowe - Host of "Dirty Jobs"
  • Steven Speilberg - "ET", "Jaws", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" to name a few
  • John Tesh - Musician and radio host
  • Sam Walton - Founder of WalMart

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